Wednesday, May 28, 2008

it wasn't from you.

I received a letter today.
No name.
No return address.
The small rectangle lay mute at my feet.
At first glance,
it wasn't quite impressive,
and was almost tossed aside.
But in picking it up,
my finger happened to snag
the edge of its browned and peeling envelope,
and I caught the gleam
of shining sapphire underneath.
Without another thought
I hungrily tore away
the faded wrappings.
But, settling after the flurry of the moment,
surrounded by the drifting remnants of this frenzy,
I stood silently,
stunned, in the presence of my discovery.
And I find myself, for once,
And all I can hope
is that this message
did not reach me too late.
It was you.

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