Monday, July 14, 2008

loving you.

Loving you is like pulling teeth.
Perhaps only slightly more gentle...
quietly extracting the most precious of knowledge.

Loving you is a discovery-
A process, even...
pulling back the unremarkable, colorless husk
to discover the still, silent bud
that sleeps within.

Loving you is the violent shedding
of first impressions.
And the slow emergence of truth.

Loving you might be a little easier
if you would only pull back your drab curtains
and leave me stunned and blinking in the brightness that is you.

But perhaps the beauty in loving you...

is that it's not so easy.


Anonymous said...

I like this because it actually gives a real view of love - not some movie glimpse. People have this fantasy of a simple love - love at first sight. What they don't realize is that when you actually have to know someone, and work at learning more about them - the reward means that much more in the end.

A.k.a. it's an awesome poem.

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely beautiful.

Caro said...

I'm glad you like it, because it's about you, "anonymous".

Anonymous said...

meaninglessly anonymous is all I'll ever be, sometimes too wrapped up in everything to see anything.
consider that I might actually care, though. stretched and strained and lacking time, thoughts cross my mind every now and then.
fish taco special.
I'm burning my candle at both ends, doing too many things, and you may think I'm just brushing you off, but I'm really, really not trying to do that. I have trouble sustaining contact, but I hope our friendship won't fade because of this (I fear it will, though).
dull, dull nothingness.

I miss you more than you might think.
