Monday, November 24, 2008


If I ever loved anyone
for no good reason,
it would be you.

Now, that’s not to say
that there isn’t a good reason
to love you,

Or that anyone else
would not figure out these reasons
and therefore

Never let you go.

It’s just that
the way I love you
is in no way logical.

And Lord knows
I try my best
to be logical.

And I have tried and tried
to quantify this feeling.
To categorize it.

And fit it into a nice, little,
neat package.
Something presentable.

But there are some things
that can’t be shoved into boxes
or smudged out by the passing of time.

So I guess I’ll continue
loving you
for no good reason.

And perhaps that’s not
such a bad way to love,
or be loved.


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