Wednesday, February 4, 2009


God, don't I wish
I had a clean slate?
Don't I wish I could start
from scratch
with you?
No irrational fears
or insecurities.
Simply you and I
and all the possibilities
stretched out before us.

But I am damaged goods
(I believe you are as well)
and we have lived,
as humans do,
and accumulated all this
extra weight.
And we've been kicked around
and done the kicking,
and scuffed our shoes,
and smudged our faces,
and knocked out more than a couple teeth.

Yet, if we are to
face this life together
shouldn't I,
knowing the treachery of the journey,
be more forgiving?
And looking into your eyes
and seeing love,
should I not accept
all that you are?

And in loving the essence,
overlook the extraneous?

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