Tuesday, December 18, 2007

this queer life.

Wow. Put two insanely queer people together in a room with a webcam, and what do you get? This Queer Life, a new series featuring my friend Myron and me. Okay, I just made up that name, but I actually don't know what to call this series. Ideas, anyone? I guess I'll just let the individual videos speak for themselves. Here's one, and we have more on youtube:

So, I love how I look like the ignorant fuck and Myron looks like the cultured gay man.

We probably won't make any more videos until the end of January, since we're about to go on Winter break. But we will post more... eventually. You can count on it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

i thought you was a man.

Wow. I saw this video on Arlan's blog, yourdailylesbianmoment.blogspot.com, and I knew I had to post it.

Tig is awesome. Visit her myspace at myspace.com/tignotaro

I was having coffee with a girl tonight, and we were talking about this very topic. I got my hair cut a few weeks ago, and later that day, a little girl was passing by me and I swear she said, "Excuse me, sir."


Thursday, December 13, 2007

judge me.

I don't hate men.
I just can't seem to connect with (some of) them as strongly as I can with most women. I don't think this makes me unhealthy, so I don't want to be analyzed or judged because of it. I don't need your "help" or your supposed pity. You couldn't dry my tears. She did.
At the same time, I am confused, and I have a right to be. Life is fucking complicated.

Especially mine.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

love you beeeeetter.

Aaagh, why do God-des & She have to have shows in Richmond and Norfolk when I'm home in Geooooorgiaaaaaaaa??? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

*considers taking a road trip on December 27th*

GAH, this video is SO HAWT. Yay lesbians.

In other news, kissing a guy for the first time in more than a year can feel even more queer than kissing a girl for the first time ever.
But queer in a good way. I just hope my family won't think I'm straight now. Educating them in queer issues is an ongoing process... so we'll just have to have another chat about it when I get home.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I've done enough.

It's your turn now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Don't let me take advantage of you.
Because I will.
And give me some


So I can crawl inside myself
to think.

Because I don't know if I can do this.

Monday, December 3, 2007

scary mary.

I've had too many serious blog entries lately.
I can't wait until Christmas break. Hopefully I'll be able to get my shit together while still being able to relax.

Anyway, enough about my life. This video is hilarious. (It kinda freaks me out a little bit, even though I've seen Mary Poppins about a billion times.)